Link to PropoSim on the App Store
PropoSim is an educational tool used for understanding and visualizing the effect-site concentration of propofol. Anesthesiologists and other clinicians involved with anesthesiology and intensive care, from residents to the very experienced, will find PropoSim a valuable tool for understanding rational dosing strategies tailored to individual patients.
The simulations use the propofol pharmacokinetic model published by Schnider et al. to estimate and graph the propofol effect-site concentrations, and to estimate the decrement time to a user specified effect-site concentration (Note that the model used in PropoSim uses the Janmahasatian equation rather than the James equation for the calculation of Lean Body Mass. The covariate limits have also been extended to children for the purposes of simulation only).
The drug entry system allows recording of propofol bolus and infusion rates real-time or retrospectively from the intra-operative record. Dosing history is limited to ten hours.
Further help information and screenshots will be provided in the near future.